Agnes. First part. Act one.

Agnes. First part. Act one.

Meeting, not speaking a word, not taking your eyes off each other - these are the main elements that cause feelings in a person's body, mind and subconscious.
This is a performance based on real experiences and experiences, which forced me to take a step out of my comfort zone into an area that has not yet been explored and fully explored for me as a performer and creator. So this is, at the same time, my experiment towards a new kind of performance for me, and an interpretation of the feelings and physical experiences I experienced after meeting the artist from Mexico - Ines Herrera Campa. A performance is an event of collective experience, during which the audience is actively involved in the performance process.
Paulius Prievelis
Choreoghraphy and performance:
Michelle Gurevich; Poni Hoax & Olga Kouklaki
The show tour on 2018:
Rokiškis Cultural Center 2017| Rokiškis, Lithuania
Art printing house in 2023. | Vilnius, Lithuania
Performance lengh:
20- 60 min.
Participation in festivals:
International Theater And Dance Festival AlterEgo 2017 | Sofia, Bulgaria
Foreign Friendly Performance Platform 2018 | Kaunas, Lithuania
International festival for contemporary music and performance 2018 | Leipzig, Germany
Viktorija Janulytė
Paulius Prievelis
Choreography and performance:
Michelle Gurevich; Poni Hoax & Olga Kouklaki
The show tour in 2018:
Rokiškis Cultural Center 2017| Rokiškis, Lithuania
Art printing house in 2023. | Vilnius, Lithuania
20- 60 min.
Participation in festivals:
International Theater And Dance Festival AlterEgo 2017 | Sofia, Bulgaria
Foreign Friendly Performance Platform 2018 | Kaunas, Lithuania
International festival for contemporary music and performance 2018 | Leipzig, Germany
Performance lengh:
Viktorija Janulytė