Nailed It

The performance explores feelings and experiences related to the failure. This is an overview of what this feeling does to us as individuals, what it gives us, how it affects our decision making and self-perception. Sometimes it is personal, sometimes it is general. In this performance artists do not specifically seek to reveal certain stories of how they have failed or still are failing. Sometimes it just happens.
The performance was born during movement research, while examining our emotional response to failure we aimed to notice and understand how the quality of movement changes and how it makes the performers themselves feel about the unconscious body change. During the show, we talk about the various reasons for failure and what happens when we fail. It is the observation and interpretation of the feeling of failure through the prism of the performer.
Paulius Prievelis
Ema Senkuvienė, Adrian Carlo Bibiano
various artists
Kaunas Choreography School
The show tours in 2019:
Kaunas City Chamber Theatre, 3in1 dance evening | Kaunas, Lithuania
Kaunas artists' house | Kaunas, Lithuania
Kaunas School of Choreography | Kaunas, Lithuania
performance lengh:
30 minutes.
Paulius Prievelis
Ema Senkuvienė, Adrian Carlo Bibiano
Įvairūs atlikėjai
Kaunas Choreography Shcool
The show tours in 2019:
Kaunas City Chamber Theatre, 3in1 dance evening | Kaunas, Lithuania
Kaunas artists' house | Kaunas, Lithuania
Kaunas School of Choreography | Kaunas, Lithuania
Performance lengh:
30 minutes.