SIGNAL | 2024

Nuotraukos: Martynas Aleksa

12 (twelve) young dancers on stage, seeking to analyze the structures and systems in which we live. Through geometric shapes, lines and pre-planned formations between performers, they aim to explore human relationships, when a simple game turns into a race, when what is acceptable becomes repulsive.

The performance is not intended to criticize any systems in which we live, but rather to look at the prevailing systems in society from a different angle and perhaps ask myself, how do I feel living here?

Choreography: Paulius Prievelis
Rehearsal director: Lina Puodžiukaitė-Lanauskienė
Music: Jakūbas Silius, Alessandro Cortini, Technotronic, etc.
Light artist: Monika Šerstabojevaitė
Performance: Contemporary Dance Program students of the National M. K. Čiurlionis School of the Arts Ballet Department
Partners: VšĮ IDEJA KŪNUI, National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts


Nuotrauka: Gintarė Žaltauskaitė

A dance performance that invites the audience to immerse themselves in the journey of running thoughts that often arise before falling asleep. The Dutch-born writer Matthijs Van Boxsel, speaking about the architecture of the French ahah and the English haha ​​parks, distinguishes between human impression and the presence and absence of a sense of harmony. Based on the writer's thoughts and abstract, but quite clear-intentioned images, the performers explore the experience of running thoughts and seek to find an answer to the question: what is silence? This search in a multi-layered movement, a scene filled with Dark Techno music style and a world of rather dark, sometimes well-known thoughts becomes the axis of the whole performance.

Choreography Paulius Prievelis
Performance: Elmyra Ragimova, Sigita Juraškaitė, Viktorija Praninskaitė (Augustė Gelžinytė, Lėja Povilaitytė)
Music: Dj Le Mat (FR), Michael Pfeiffer, Blue hour, Polar Inertia
Lights: Monika Šerstabojevaitė
Sound: Laurynas Kolodzeiskis
Length: 40 min.

Nuotrauka: Sigitas Daščioras

CONVERSATION WITH SAULIUS & ALEX (work-in-progress) | 2020-2024

Nuotraukos: Karolina Latvytė Bibiano

This is a two-part performance that aims to review the results of Spacesucker, a study of movement and the body, in which space itself is the subject of research. Without making final research conclusions, during the development and implementation of the concept, a team specially assembled for the project was used:

Saulius and Alex: these are symbolic spatial beings, states that form channels through which the performers communicate with their inner space and provide opportunities to get to know intangible objects and factors.

Artūras and Nijolė: these are tools that help to fulfill the experience of Saulius and Alex through their bodies and experience the space in this moment.

In our research, we talk about space as a state or feeling that has a certain materiality, texture, taste. All of this is specific to a specific individual and does not have a specific form that can be assigned. It is an individual sensory experience that can depend on sound, space, other objects or certain physical processes in the body. According to the study, four aspects were distinguished, with the help of which the inner space during the performance is analyzed: Body Orbits, Spatial Vibrations, Motion State, Electron Dance.

NAILED IT | 2019

Nuotraukos: Gerda Žemaitytė

During the performance, feelings and experiences related to failure are explored. This is an overview of what this feeling does to us as individuals, what it gives us, how it affects our decisions and self-perception. Sometimes it is personal, sometimes it is general. Artists do not specifically seek to reveal certain stories of how they failed or still are failing. Sometimes it just happens.

The performance was born from movement research, during which, while examining our emotional response to failure, it was analyzed and researched how the quality of movement changes and how it makes the performers themselves feel. During the show, it talks about the various reasons for failure and what happens when we fail. It is the observation and interpretation of the feeling of failure through the prism of the performer.


Nuotrauka: Black Stig

Meeting, not speaking a word, not taking your eyes off each other - these are the main elements that cause feelings in a person's body, mind and subconscious.

This is a performance based on real experiences and experiences, which forced me to take a step out of my comfort zone into an area that has not yet been explored and fully explored for me as a performer and creator. So this is, at the same time, my experiment towards a new kind of performance for me, and an interpretation of the feelings and physical experiences I experienced after meeting the artist from Mexico - Ines Herrera Campa. A performance is an event of collective experience, during which the audience is actively involved in the performance process.


Nuotraukos: Mantas Puida

Skirtingi elementai gali susijungti vienas su kitu tam, kad suformuotų kompleksiškesnę medžiagą, vadinamą junginiu (kompaundu). Šių junginių skaičius yra begalinis; greičiausiai milijonas jau yra žinoma ir vis daugiau atrandama kiekvieną dieną. 

“Mes nežiūrime į juos kaip į atskirus elementus, bet kaip į elementus, kurie yra susiviję junginyje.” – Kristina Gerbstadt

Spektaklio metu, žiūrovai kartu su atlikėjais sukuria naują “junginį” – spektaklį. Žiūrovas pats pasirenka kaip pasirodymas vystysis atsakydamas į seriją paruoštų klausimų, taip tapdamas kūrybinio proceso dalimi lyg spektaklio režisieriumi.

Sukurta bendradarbiaujant su Migle Praniauskaite.


Nuotraukos: Viktorija Lapėnienė

Tankumas - šokio ir fizinio teatro hibridas, spektaklis, kuriame trys šokio atlikėjai ir kūrėjai iš Belgijos, Lenkijos ir Lietuvos susitinka šokiui/šokyje.

Iš psichofizinių impulsų ir skirtingų situacijų, kurios nusako atlikėjų santikį su savimi, vienas kitu ir aplinka, atlikėjai ir jų personažai savo istorijas išreiškia sapno ar prisiminimo forma. Paieškoje, kas juos jungia ir atskiria, esminiai jausmai, kurie būdingi žmogui, susimaišo tarpusavyje ir susispaudžia, į paviršių iškeliant egzistencinius klausimus.

In Collaboration with su TerazNow Dance Theatre Collective